rkcrusaders.org is just a Website
   Originally, the website was made to provide a domain and website
for a Nomifactory server. But usually plans never come to fruition, and
now I'm stuck with a website-- of which I like.

   rkcrusaders began as a YBA gang, slowly it grew to 20 members, then
50, then a 100. We had Minecraft servers then with 30 or so members playing
at once. It was probably the most active and glorious SMP I've ever been part of; and even better I was the sole admin.

   If you want to check out the original rkcrusaders member list you can
check it out at the [rkcrusaders.org about us members section]
   Nonetheless there were many factions in the RKC Minecraft server

  Most definitely the NCR was led by me, and inspired by Fallout
was the largest, population and land-wise. Mob spawners, town halls, bounties,
it was awesome. Sorry, this isn't the original RKC. We'd have to go wayyy back...

    the Rkcrusaders was created by dropatacoshell/ZoleilsStuff (me :D)
on April 11th of the Year 2023 for the game Your Bizarre Adventure
   This was the 3rd gang I had created, the first being
obamatacoinc or some dumb shit like that. The 2nd I forgot, but
this was almost an entirely solo operation. The first member of the RKC was
Jiro (obviously not the full name), then we started collecting more members
after that. Go look in the Members page, fucko. Anyway,
   After Jiro came Jooh, Xcythe, Noriaki (like, from Jojo)

Copyright © 2024 RKcrusaders